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Processing What Happened at the US Capitol
Resmaa Menakem, national expert on cultural trauma joins the executive director of African American Child Wellness Institute, and 2020 Minnesota Teacher of the year in this powerful in-depth dialog around the violence and chaos that erupted this Wednesday, when a mob that included white supremacists stormed the US Capitol. How did it come to this? And what do these times demand from ordinary citiz... posted on Jan 08 2021, 6,199 reads


Hannah Arendt & the Politics of Truth
"It's important to remember that Hannah Arendt wrote "Truth and Politics" as a response to the reaction she received from publishing Eichmann in Jerusalem. What most worried her was a form of political propaganda that uses lies to erode reality. Political power, she warned, will always sacrifice factual truth for political gain. But the side effect of the lies and the propaganda is the destruction... posted on Jan 07 2021, 6,366 reads


Choosing Earth: With Duane and Colleen Elgin
"Duane Elgin's book, Choosing Earth projects a half-century into the future to explore our world in a time of unprecedented transition. Duane offers a whole-systems view of the converging adversity trends facing humanity and three major scenarios for the future that are most likely to emerge from these powerful trends. By illuminating deep psychological, spiritual and scientific changes that are a... posted on Jan 06 2021, 5,430 reads


Tara Brach: True Refuge
"Tara Brach is an author, clinical psychologist, and the founder and senior teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Tara about "the Trance of Unworthiness" --a state in which we believe that we are too inadequate, incomplete, and broken to love ourselves. Tara explains why we are so tough on ourselves and the steps ... posted on Jan 05 2021, 6,069 reads


To Live and Love with a Dying World
"In the summer of 2019, the climate activist Tim DeChristopher sat down with Wendell Berry. Berry is a poet and activist, author of over forty books, and a celebrated advocate for localism, ecological health, and small-scale farming. DeChristopher, as Bidder 70, disrupted a Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in 2008 by outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands N... posted on Jan 04 2021, 3,877 reads


Virtually Together
In honor of the first responders and heroes of the COVID-19 crisis, the musicians of River Oaks Chamber Orchestra (ROCO) came together virtually from across the U.S. and Canada to perform ROCO's commission "Anthem of Hope" by Anthony DiLorenzo -- offering hope and strength during this difficult time. This coming year, may you be safe, may you be healthy, and may you find peace. And please be kind ... posted on Jan 03 2021, 2,810 reads


KindSpring: Top 10 Stories of 2020
"Every year KindSpring shares the top 10 most inspiring kindness stories it's featured over the year. These stories range from chance encounters of anonymous acts of kindness to deliberate, thoughtful ways that everyday people choose to make the world a better place for those around them. In an unprecedented year, when uncertainty and confusion covered a vast majority of the news headlines, we als... posted on Jan 02 2021, 12,952 reads


2021: Resources for the Journey
"One year ago, as 2020 was dawning, we joined with many around the globe in imagining a year of possibility and transformation. It was the start of a new decade and the number 2020 couldn't help but evoke a hope for new, clear ways of seeing. Most of us simply couldn't have imagined the global pandemic that would sweep the world, making our connection to one another more poignant and powerful than... posted on Jan 01 2021, 6,927 reads


7 Science-Based Strategies for Keeping New Year Resolutions
"Research shows that 45% of people fail to keep their resolutions by February, and only 19% keep them for two years. Lack of willpower or self-control is the top cited reason for not following through. How can you increase your willpower and fulfill your New Year's promise to yourself? These seven strategies are based on behavioral science and my clinical work with hundreds of people trying to ach... posted on Dec 31 2020, 7,369 reads


Lottie Cunningham: Dedicated to Indigenous Rights
"Against all odds, human rights defender Lottie Cunningham has been at the helm of the battle for indigenous rights in Nicaragua for the past 20 years. She was among four activists this year to receive the Right livelihood award, the alternative Nobel for peace, for her decades-long work. More than 400,000 indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants live along Nicaragua's Atlantic coast. For years, th... posted on Dec 30 2020, 2,554 reads


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When we express what we see in language that resonates, we can begin to make change.
Teow Lim Goh

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